Wan’t to ‘lose weight’ but you can’t be bothered to go to the gym because of the pressures that you feel when you are there? Are you just a general gym hater? Working out just isn’t your thing? Or you can’t find the time to commit to the gym or the motivation to get there? That’s ok! Hardcore workouts aren’t for everyone and believe it or not there are 100 different ways you can burn the same amount of calories through the day.
Well, imagine if you could lose weight WITHOUT spending ANY MONEY or going to the gym?
Yep that’s right…
My advice to you is to hit the road, up your steps and increase your NEAT.
Before I go on, you’re probably wondering what the hell I mean by the word ‘NEAT’?
NEAT = Non exercise activity thermogenesis (basically in simple form, it’s the amount of calories the body burns without purposely performing physical activity such as the gym).
So what can YOU do to increase your NEAT?
- Make the most of nice weather in the mornings, wrap up in your best coat, get some fresh air and walk to work! Not only will you be exercising, it saves having to deal with grumpy commuters, you can save some pennies AND it will wake you up, make you feel more positive and ready for the day!
- Cleaning the house is a blessing in disguise.. change that negativity ‘this is effort’ mindset, to one which says ‘cleaning = calories burned’ then its a win win form all angles! Thank me later 😉
Park further away, so you walk that little bit longer - Take the stairs instead of the elevator (ESPECIALLY ON THE LONDON UNDERGROUND!)
- Walk the longer way home from work
- Walk to the corner shop instead of driving!
- Increase the speed that you walk from shop to shop in town
- On the phone? Get up and walk around when chatting to your friends
Wash up, instead of using the dishwasher! - Go on a 10 minute walk on your lunch break, this will clear your head and refresh your mind
- Find a place with good music, sit and vibe, you will be surprised by how much your body will move🙌🏽🎶
Seriously you will be amazed by how many calories you can burn from just doing that little bit extra in your day to day life (I’m talking hundreds), and you won’t even realise you are exercising. BONUS! Especially this time of year, when it’s that little bit harder to get out of bed and to find the motivation to go to the gym… don’t worry mate, I feel you.
And the best part is, you can do all of these things anywhere at anytime to increase your NEAT just by being that bit more proactive and mindful with your day. No more laziness 😉