Let’s face it, the hardest thing, when you are training is not the knowledge or the programme, is staying on track CONSISTENTLY. Not all of us have motivation all the time. I mean, we are only human. Especially when it’s sh*tty weather outside, you just want to stay in, sit on your sofa and eat oreos and getting to the gym is harder than EVER. I feel ya. I’m human too. But, once you’ve made it to the gym, the rest is easy
Take note of my tips below, I hope they help to keep your motivation up because they definitely help me!
– Remind Yourself
Remember why you had made this choice, and that this is YOUR choice. No one is telling you to go and get it, only you did that, and only YOU can continue to do so. When the ‘why’ is big enough, the ‘how’ will take care of itself. When you’re lying in bed, struggling to get up because it’s still dark outside in the morning (me right now!), just take a second to think about your end goal and more importantly WHY. What are you doing this craziness for in the first place? If your ‘why’ is big enough, you won’t be able to fight it.💛👊🏻
– Stop Buying The Naughties
It’s so easy to go to your local shop and get a packet of biscuits (I’m a sucker for Oreos lol), so just HAVE A WORD WITH YOURSELF (currently talking to self rn when writing this lol) and stop! If anyone tells you it’s not supposed to be difficult, they’re lying to you!! Tell Mum/Dad/other-half etc to hide the treats!🍩 I know it’s easier said than done, and I went through a really bad habit of buying packets and packets of biscuits every week, and not just eating the one, I would go through half a pack a night hahaha
– Drink loads of water!! I’m so guilty of not drinking enough water, but trust me, a lot of the time when you THINK you’re hungry, you’re probably just mega thirsty and dehydrated. So hold off on a snack, have a drink first and see how you feel after 🙂
– Got clothing that’s too small? Keep It! Out in the open!
Sometimes, when I try something on in the shop and it’s a bit tight, I buy it on purpose! It’s all the motivation I need to stay on track! I brought the nicest playsuit that was a bit too tight, but I was not going up a size,
When you’re training, remember things aren’t going to change straight away, it’s not supposed to be easy, it shouldn’t feel like a breeze, it’s not normal for your body to be in a calorie deficit for a long period of time so your body will react and more-so, your mind. So use these tips to help keep your motivation up, and if you feel yourself slacking, read this again.
Go kill it gurl 🌟