You could have all the intelligence in the world, but the truth is, if you don’t have the passion and the real LOVE for it, you WILL NOT excel in it.

Harsh but true.

I mean, who ACTUALLY looks at CV’s nowadays?

I have 2 employees and I haven’t once asked for their CV’s, because I am a firm believer that grades are NOT going to get you to where you want to be. This might not be how everyone’s brains work, but as an owner of 3 business, grades aren’t important to me. Simple.

Listen, if I followed the norm and if I decided to go to university, I wouldn’t be as successful as I am now. Uni would have held me back from growing the businesses. So it’s a no from me, lol.

If you have a passion, you have a passion. It’s as simple as that.

So what is important to me when I look for someone new to work with?

  • Loyalty
  • People being GENUINE
  • Honesty
  • Positivity
  • Passion and ENERGY. 

You can’t get a qualification in that. You’ve either got it or you haven’t.

SO, next time you don’t feel good enough at your job, REMEMBER THIS:

  • The people who will go far in the world of work are the ones who have the best ENERGY
  • YOU have the power to change things
  • One day you will find that perfect job for you – and you will just KNOW.
  • You could be 15 or 50, it’s never too late to change your path
  • It’s not about getting 5 A* – C’s at A LEVEL. Personality is going to get you to where you want to be

The people that go far with business or their careers are the ones who WANT to improve, they WANT to put they’re all in, and they have the PASSION to do it. It’s not about the grades anymore. 

I’m not even trying to get deep right now, I am just speaking the truth. The amount of people in the world of work who don’t believe in themselves is CRAZYYY. So stop looking at the grades on your CV, and remember the people skills that you have, that absolutely no one can teach you. You got way more potential than you think. Take that leap & you go for it gurrrl.