Let’s be honest, social media has completely taken over our lives. You speak about something, it comes up as an advert on
So why do we spend hours every day double tapping on pictures of people who we don’t know personally? comparing ourselves to them, and wishing we had the life they had or looked the way they look?
Let’s just cut the bullshit.
You’re probably sat there thinking ‘yeah yeah Beckie it’s all well and good for you to say this’, but the reality is, I am so GOD DAMN misunderstood. I do not have the ‘perfect’ Instagram life. I use my social media for business purposes, yes, but if I didn’t need Instagram or social media, I wouldn’t use it. Do you think I enjoy putting on a full face of makeup to have a picture on my balcony? No. Do you think I enjoy making sure I post every single day? No. But, this is the life I have chosen to live. No one sees what I look like on a day to day basis (those of you who have..aren’t you lucky, LOL) wearing no makeup in trackies acting like a nutter, not giving
If you go to any club nights or events and see the love island or ex on the beach stars there, just remember that their life is not perfect. Flash isn’t everything. The real key players operate behind the scenes but make the most happen. They may look like the “nobody’s” in person or on
It’s hard to know what’s real and what’s not nowadays. Seriously… it’s nuts. You can even download apps on your phone that edit your entire face and body to make you look like the perfect 10/10. I do not have the time for any of that lol. But, probably 80% of ‘here’s famous’ people do this, trust me lol…
So, this ones for you girls who are comstantly comparing…next time you see a model posing on social media in her bikini looking absolutely flawless, just remember that it probably took 300 photos and an hour’s worth of editing and ‘good angles’ for them to look like that. Brutal but true!
So heres my bit of advice for you. Always remember to stay true to YOU. Post that au’natural selfie of you on instagram with no filter. Don’t change the way you are on instagram because you think you will get more ‘likes’. Live in the moment and don’t rely on IG followers and likes to make you happy. You are amazing as you are, STOP COMPARING yourself and don’t let social media fool you.