Are you scared to go to the gym because your worried you will get judged? Do you feel like you are being watched? Do you feel like you haven’t got a clue what you are doing so you avoid going completely?
I just wanna put your mind at ease💆🏽
NO ONE is watching you like you may think they are, no one else is judging you because they’re too busy judging themselves, worrying about
The gym is YOUR time to shine.
Your time to put your headphones in, to forget about everything else for a little while, and to work on bettering yourself. No one else. You.
The gym can be a super scary place and a little intimidating if you’re not too sure on where to start or what to do. But invest in those first few weeks to learn from a professional, go to classes, ask the instructors (don’t be afraid – 9/10 they are usually all amazing and really do have your best interests at heart) and give yourself TIME. Rome wasn’t built in a day so start off slow!
Let’s face it, most gym beginners don’t lack the motivation alone, they lack courage, knowledge and confidence which MAKES them demotivated. Time to start, time to learn, time to practice and time to improve. Because trust me, us professionals are still learning daily, and if someone IS judging you at the gym, then they’re either feeling super intimidated & insecure themselves or they’re clearly not there for the right reasons💁🏽💪🏽.
To take away from this blog:
- It’s all in your head. You are your own limitation
- If you say you can, you CAN.
- 99% of people in the gym don’t have a clue what they’re doing (as much as they think they do) but are too proud to ask a professional… don’t be that person
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help
- Give yourself time