Feeling like you’ve got 0 time to yourself?

TRUST ME, I know the feeling.

It’s crazy how easy it is to keep going and keep working day in and day out, and forgetting to switch off from work-mode (I’m an expert on this, lol). But in reality, we are only human and we ALL NEED TO REST (a lesson I’m still learning), and we all need time away from all the craziness at some point.

Our bodies are like a car, cars need fuel to run right? So doesn’t it make sense that we need to refuel efficiently (REST AND RECOVER), to continue at a full potential. No rest send you off, eventually becoming super ill and you won’t be able to do ANYTHING (I’ve been there). So, having that day to chill is much better than spending weeks bed-bound from overdoing it (adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue are real things people.

So what can you do to allow yourself, to give yourself more ‘you’ time?

Prioritise the things that will help YOU feel better mentally
You’ve gotta make time to do general day to day things like keeping your house clean, getting your car cleaned, keep your room tidy etc, you’ll feel so much clearer mentally and will be 10X more productive if everything else around you is in order. You know what I mean don’t you.. it makes a huge difference (just my opinion though).

Only spend time with friends who are your number 1 fans & biggest supporters
I got no time for bullsh*t (savage but true), so you gotta have the same attitude sometimes!  If I’m feeling someone is bringing me down, I am not going to waste time spending time with them. So only spend time with people who you know are 100% on your team.

REMEMBER that you’re not always missing out if you stay home

I am starting to like nights to myself SO MUCH more than I used to. So if it’s a Friday night, and you have no plans, rather than messaging the world trying to find something to do, just stay in and be present within your own company? You’ll give yourself the well-deserved rest that you need and you will feel refreshed and ready to kill the next working week. Have a bath, relax, hit the gym, listen to music, watch a film, put candles on… I don’t know! Just do YOU for a second.

Speaking from experience of having 2345342 things to do in a day, I still need to work on setting boundaries and learning when enough is enough, but I’m slowly learning to just.say.no. SLOWLY learning..but I’ll get there eventually lol.

Saying no to certain things doesn’t make you a bad person, it just means you’re thinking about YOU. We all need to learn to do this in order to be 100% productive, and more importantly, 100% happy.

**note to self ** remember to chill sometimes Beckie, lol, lets do this sh*t together. It’s ok to breathe.