Last year, my goal was to be able to “pancake” through box splits and be completely flat like I used to be when I was a gymnast.
Me Now…
I didn’t even remember that was my goal from the past… because I was enjoying myself soo much that I met my goal through continuous progression, purely because I LOVED what I was doing and it didn’t feel like hard work. Doing something you love and not feeling like it’s hard work is the best feeling ever.💞
Getting back into dance has probably been the best decision I have made this year.😌
The happiness☺️, the laughs😂, the creativity⭐️, THE ARMY DC FAMILY💜, AND THEN the reduced appetite 🍟 (it was uncontrollable before!!!) which makes dieting so much easier.👙 There is no need to do endless cardio when I’m rehearsing for hours👌🏽, as i’m just burning a load of calories whilst LOVING life 💚 & not thinking about the numbers once.🙅🏽 PLUS, the flexibility of movement, FEELing healthy🙌🏽 & the expressiveness dance gives is priceless.🔝
Dancing is ME TIME. It’s scheduled into my day. It’s the sport that I love. I didn’t even realise how passionate I was about it until I started, now I can’t imagine life without it.
I feel inspired to not look in the mirror everyday and criticise my body (we all do it). I feel inspired to learn and grow in something I enjoy rather than doing exercise because “#calories”…😑
I’m setting medium-short term goals to make me FEEL better and help the MIND to feel that sense of success and satisfaction (this is important for continued motivation & progress). #mindsetismything 💁🏽
So whatever that sport or activity is, go and do it. Wanna dance? Go do it. Wanna rock climb? Go do it. Wanna play football? Go do it.👊🏽
I don’t care what it is, I just want you to find YOUR happy and GO. AND. DO. IT. 🙌🏽💙