Are you a bit all over the place at the moment and can’t keep up with life?
I know the feeling…lol.
So if your heads a bit mashed at the minute and you are really struggling to keep up with everything going on in life, check out my tips and tricks on how you can stay on top of your shit:
People don’t understand how much time they waste talking about what they’re going to eat for lunch, scrolling through IG, etc. Scrap that and get to work gurl. To make the most of your days, time how long each task will take, hour by hour, map out and plan your day that way. Write the time frame next to your tasks on your to do list, e.g ‘emails – 15 mins’. You will achieve 10X more than you would have if you didn’t take note, because you can see exactly how long things are going to take while keeping an eye on the clock at all times! I see working against the clock as a challenge to myself. For example, I did my makeup in a record breaking time of 20 minutes the other day lol. So what I’m trying to say is…CUT THE CRAP!
None of this paper diary nonsense! Use your calendar on your phone and colour code work and socials. Set an alert and all your plans and events will come up on your phone like an alarm. My calendar is EVERYTHING! This is a big one for me!
Not all of us are lucky enough to be born with the organised gene. Our heads can only store a certain amount of info before we feel like we’re about to explode! So if your feeling super scatty, dis-organised, forgetful, and your getting super stressed keeping with everything life and work throws at you, take note and try my tips above. I promise you, you will feel so much better when you feel more organised.
Time to stay focused, and get shit done!
Go get it gurrrl.