When something goes wrong, do you find your inner voice saying, ‘why me?’ or ‘whats wrong with me?’, or catch yourself huffing and puffing because you need to let out your frustration?
Let me just stop you there..
We’ve all been through a sh*t time at a certain point in our lives. Whether it’s with your job, your relationship, family, friendships, yourself… there are always tough times we as people have to go through. But rather than dwelling and playing the victim (we all do it!), have you ever thought about looking at it from the opposite angle? Like, ‘what is this struggle going to teach me’? Life isn’t easy, it’s not always going to be a walk in the park, and if it was, how would we ever learn?
The biggest change comes from the biggest challenges, and I am firm believer that everything happens for a reason.
Everything that’s happening in your life right now, for good or for bad, is helping you to grow as a strong, powerful, independent individual. So flip the negatives into positives and ask yourself, ‘how much is this testing me?’, ‘what can I learn from this?’, ‘what would I do differently next time?’, or ‘how can I be strong about this to help myself from this point on?’… the list of positive U-turns is endless. It’s not how you ACT that shows your true personality, it’s how you REACT. And if you can react with light instead of shade, with responsibility instead of blame and in the future not the past, you’ve already won.
The sooner we learn to confront our challenges and throw positives at the negatives, the sooner things are going to start to change for the better.
The longer you dwell and moan, the longer you stay stuck in a rut, the more overthinking we do, the more tears we cry, the more angry we get and the further back we push our own life because of our own mentality (which is entirely in our hands).
And one last thing – everything is temporary, and setbacks are NORMAL. So, when your having an off day or something ‘bad’ happens, remember that it’s NOT going to be like this forever, it’s just another test, another experience and another bump in the road to challenge us. It doesn’t make you ‘weird’ or ‘not right’ if you feel sad or down on random days with no explanation. We ALL have off days. But again, your REaction is everything.
Now you see what I mean right…
More often than not, we tend to worry about what’s to come, or overthink about something that’s already happened. While it’s important to care and consider your actions, be careful not to let it ruin whats happening right NOW. The past has GONE, moments turn into memories, regrets turn into laughing jokes and the rest becomes history! Enjoy the present moment while you have it because you’ll never have it again!
Seriously… the happiest people are the ones who’ve worked the most on (drum roll….) themselves, in one way or another. Being happy means at some point you decided to take control of your OWN life. It means YOU decided to not be a victim anymore and that YOU have put that energy BACK into yourself.
Sometimes it’s hard, I COMPLETELY get that, but every time you feel a shift in your focus, remember each less is valuable and will help you to move forward.
You only have one life girl, stay positive and work as hard as you can to make it your best life!
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Hi beckie
I read your explnation for , when you replace why is this happening to me ? With ,what is this trying to teach me , every thing shift.
Actually i want to know the relation between this quote and relationship as my girlfriend broke up with me and after two weeks she posted this quote on her facebook i am really keen to know what does that meaning and what is she trying to say
I will be appreciate you let me know
Hey Adam, I’m so sorry to hear, and thank you for checking out the blog.. This quote in my opinion is saying, instead of playing the victim and asking ‘what if’, change your way of thinking to create a lesson from a loss, which perhaps is what she’s doing and the same for you too! Turning every negative into a new positive! Good luck with everything and keep your chin up!
Thanks for your reply
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